so very random

This morning before 8:30 five egregious errors were brought to my attention, apparently due to the fact that my adding machine hates me and I’m not too fond of it, either. But I had it all fixed up by 9:30 and felt a little better.

Then, I came back to work after lunch and was informed by the accountant that he’d received a phone call from the gub’mint guy in Sacramento, the recipient of those forms I had to type (TYPE!) the other day. The GG called to compliment us for our amazingly professional-looking job on the survey. It’s the best one he’s ever seen, apparently, and he’s looked at 10,000 of the things every year since, I don’t know, Lucifer had Most Favored Angel status.

When I’m bad, I fix it. And when I’m good, I’m spectacular!

Now, if I could just find a two-bedroom apartment in Northampton, I’d be set. But I’ll rest on my laurels for the next half-an-hour. Heck, I’ve earned it!

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