Biblical Road-Trip Rest Stop

Graham and I were at In’n’Out Burger, a dinner stop on our way to Tahoe, when he noticed a small reference printed on the bottom of his burger’s packaging: Revelation 3:20. He pointed it out to me.

“Mine has it, too.” I said. “Is it the Book of Revelation or the Book of Revelations?”

“Revelation — it’s singular,” a voice behind me said.

I turned to see a large bearded man.

“I missed it on a test once and have remembered it ever since,” he explained.

“Funny how you can remember the few things you got wrong, and yet forget all the things you get right. At least, that’s how it is with me…” Graham said, as much to himself as to me and the bearded man.

I asked, “So what’s Revelation 3:20?”

Bearded man shrugged, but the young Asian guy next to him piped up, “I know. Revelation 3:20, right?”

“Well?” we all asked.

“It’s the one with ‘Knock and the door will be opened unto you.'”

“That’s perfect!” I cried, delighted. We all went back to eating our food. Once finished, Graham and I stood up as the Bible scholar was also leaving.

“God sent me here all the way from San Jose to answer your question,” he said, smiling. “God bless you.”

“God bless *you*,” I replied.

He left, and Graham turned to me. “That was cool,” he said.

Upon returning home, I looked up 3:20 in The Student Bible (New International Version): Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and him with me.

So, not only did I have a great road trip to Tahoe, but I have a newfound respect for In’n’Out Burger. Hallelujah!

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