Bald Tires and Roaring Wind

This afternoon I went mountain bike riding with John and JV. I am pleasantly surprised that it came together. John called my house around 12:30 looking for my roommate, who was snowboarding. John wrenched his ankle dirt-bike racing, but was hoping to get some exercise in.

I was working but when he called me back at 2:30 I was at a stopping point. I got to their place around 3:00 and we loaded up the bikes, hit the gas station for fuel, food and tire air, and then drove over 92 to Half Moon Bay.

“Thanks for letting me tag along, guys!” I told them. “Tag along, nothing!” John replied, “you’re part of the crew.”

That made me feel almost as good as when Alex told me I was tough as shit. Guys are so neat. A nice word from a man who’s a peer means more to me than a similar comment from a woman in my peer group. Maybe because I think men are so cute. Maybe.

The day was gray and windy. I’ve never been off-road biking, and had racing slick tires on my bike from my triathlon forays. My bald tires were not appropriate for the soupy mud. We’d hoped to see the 30 foot waves at Maverick’s, but they were nowhere near that. I stayed as far away from the cliff edge as possible.

I only fell twice. The first time I dismounted backwards into a shrub. The second time I was trying to get up from the first fall. But the guys both fell before I did, so that was OK. I didn’t feel like a loser girl.

Halfway through the ride the guys hooked up on a soupy mud path. I knew there was no way I could make it through, so I turned off onto a clearing by the reservoir where five windsurfers were skipping across the surface of the water.

The wind was incredible. Winter is blowing in hard, and God seemed so everywhere, so powerful.

The guys rode on for a while, then turned around and returned to me. We rode back to JV’s vehicle, where they left me alone to change out of my muddy pants in the cab of the truck.

After we all changed clothes, JV drove us around Moss Beach and Montera (I want to stay at the lighthouse hostel there — it’s beautiful and right on the ocean). Then we drove back over the hill to the car wash by their house, hosed down our bikes, and went back to their condo, where John and I baked lemon-blueberry-poppyseed muffins and JV cooked pasta with red sauce and chicken. Their friend Jeff showed up while the guys were cooking and I was online talking with a friend.

We cleared off the table and popped a bottle of ’83 chardonnay. John even busted out the placemats and candles. It was lovely. I need to put my knobby tires on my bike. Then look out coastline, here I come!

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