[Ed. note: The grown-up me with the benefit of 20/15 hindsight now disagrees with the statement below, and apologizes for its sanctimony]
President Bill Clinton will be addressing the nation in less than two hours. It will be what NBC News is calling “one of those unscripted moments.”
Nobody has any idea what Clinton will say. But I’m willing to take a guess.
Bill Clinton, in acting reprehensibly in his “private life,” has not only humiliated himself, but also his family. Not only his family, but also our government. Not only our government, but also our nation.
I’m one of those folks who believe that this isn’t been the first time he’s lied to his family and to everyone else. It’s a horrible situation. In letting his desires lead him to a compromising situation, he has dragged every one of us down with him.
From the TV coverage I’ve seen, it appears that he admitted to an “inappropriate relationship” with Monica Lewinsky, refuting what has been one of the several lies he’s told the nation with regard to every other woman who has complained about or filed suit against.
President Bill Clinton needs to summon up the scrap of integrity he has left. The honorable thing would be for him to resign and live out his days on a government pension in Little Rock, Alabama. Otherwise, may the impeachment papers be swiftly filed by Kenneth Starr, and efficiently voted into being by our government in Washington, D.C.
I wonder what Al Gore is thinking right now.