OK, so I’d been *wondering* why my hit count has doubled this month. Silly me, I figured it was due to my recent spate of updates. Fortunately, my buddy Ben K. set me right. Via e-mail.
“Hey Lynn,” he wrote, “did you know that your domain name is in MicroTimes this month?”
He saved me from driving out into the night to look for the magazine by sending me the URL of the article that mentions dear sweet Motormouth.com. Of course, the use seems to be entirely fictional. As far as I know, I’ve never met the author, David Strom. No, smart aleck, I didn’t pay him off, either.
It’s a real trip. He’s got me (or rather MotorMouth.com) as the content-rich competitor of HarleyWheels.com and HotRod magazine. Guess they know I’m a leadfoot at heart… “The MotorMouth folks have pages of parts galore and are starting to draw lots of traffic. Worse yet, the print ad sales rep from HotRod are starting to hear more and more about the competition from these MotorMouth guys.”
Uh, *gals*. Actually, *gal*. Also amusing is that he mentions the side issue that Harley Davidson might come down on our “two friendly [fictitious] Web gurus because of the nature of their domain name.” Uh, been there, done that.
So, if you ended up at my site due to this MicroTimes article, a hearty welcome to you. Sorry, I don’t have any motorcycle parts for sale. And there aren’t any nekkid pictures around here either. I hope that you’ll stick around for a while, regardless.