Wow, what a month! Plus a Race Report

Oh dear readers, I’ve wholeheartedly neglected you, for which I apologize from the bottom of my little grrl heart. You’ve been patient with me, which I greatly appreciate.

My silence was for a good reason. See, August was a pretty amazing month. I did another triathlon and shot a high-powered rifle for the first time!

The triathlon was the third of the Tri For Fun series. This time I swear that the swim was at least 300 yards longer than the first one. Couldn’t have anything to do with the fact that I hadn’t hit the pool for weeks… naah… Anyway, the bike went OK despite horrible headwinds, and the run was actually almost enjoyable. For those of you keeping track, here are my split times from this, my second triathlon (all times are in minutes:seconds, not hours:minutes or even years:months):

Swim split (about 600 yards): 9:10

Transition One: 2:50

Bike split (11 miles): 47:45

Transition Two: 1:15

Run split (3 miles): 32:06

Another good experience. The Tri For Real is September 21. I have a lot of training to do before then. But first I need to buy new shoes – I’ve blown through three pairs of running shoes this year! Ugh!

At the height of my anxiety about my life, Dragon took me to the Los Altos Rod and Gun Club, where we shot his Eagle Arms A2 rifle. It was incredible, such a feeling of power! Plus, gunpowder odor makes my uterus tingle. Now if I could just keep from flinching when the bullet engages I’ll be set. Maybe next time…


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