Why I attend Trinity Presbyterian Church

Many people are often surprised when they learn I am a churchgoer. Actually, it isn’t that surprising.

When I was in high school I was very active in the youth group for Lafayette-Orinda Presbyterian Church. I had a terrific youth pastor my last year at LOPC. His name was Tim.

My last semester of senior year was pretty rough. My parents announced their impending divorce and a week after that I got mono.

Yup. It pretty much sucked. But Tim was great. He visited me when I was ill and it really helped to know that he was looking out for me. He was a good friend, as a pastor should be.

I tried to stay in touch with him after I left for college, but shortly thereafter he left LOPC and I didn’t know where he’d gone.

Meanwhile, I searched for a church home in San Jose, but to no avail. None of the congregations were what I was looking for. So I shelved that idea and put God on the back burner.

Until autumn, 1996.

My boyfriend was moving to Seattle on a Sunday morning, and I figured that afterwards I’d need some spiritual support. After seeing him off, I went to Trinity Presbyterian Church, which was just down the street and around the corner from my San Carlos (CA) apartment.

I took a program and seated myself towards the back of the sanctuary. I opened the program to find out who would be giving the sermon.

Imagine my astonishment when it read: Tim Mooney, Associate Interim Pastor.

I joined with the subsequent Newcomer’s class. Now I’m also a youth group adviser for the junior high group.

Anne Lamott says that coincidences are just God working anonymously. I’m inclined to agree.

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